Sunday, September 6, 2009

Space. I need space.

  I have a lot of junk. I had to go the house I currently own together with the husband yesterday and pick up a load of my junk. I filled up the back of my truck, plus the front passenger seat and filled in the empty space of the back seat. I still have crap in there from the last time I picked up junk.
 Where am I supposed to put it? This is a slight dilemma when you have moved in with someone. It's not necessarily that want to keep all of it.  I don't. But, what do I do with it while I go through it to figure out what to get rid of?

  I've decided I'm going to rent a space inside one of the local antique places.  I got a call from them the other day, but I didn't call them back.  Hopefully I haven't missed my chance.

 Yard sales are of course a  viable option, but I STILL don't have anyplace to keep stuff until I have one.

 This is the position the husband has put me in.  And, what kind of stuff does he have to say?

 "You didn't have to leave.  It's not that bad.  I'm not that bad."  blah blah blah

 Well, I've got clothes to get out of the dryer before mom gets to them.


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